Dienstag, 20. September 2022 | 9:30 – 11:00 MESZ | Webinarsprache: Englisch
Indien verfügt über die viertgrößte installierte Kapazität an erneuerbaren Energien und die fünftgrößte Solarenergiekapazität der Welt. Das ehrgeizige Ziel ist es, bis 2030 eine Kapazität von 500 GW an nicht-fossilen Brennstoffen zu schaffen, wovon rund 300 GW allein auf den Solarenergiesektor entfallen sollen.
Um den Ausbau der Solarenergie zu beschleunigen, sind enorme Investitionen in die Entwicklung einer einheimischen Solarmodul-/Zellenproduktion, bahnbrechende Technologien und globale Kooperationen erforderlich. Indien bietet deutschen Unternehmen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, in diese Energiewende in verschiedenen Sektoren wie Solarmodulherstellung, Energiespeicherung, grüner Wasserstoff usw. zu investieren.
Die National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) als Dachverband aller Solarenergie-Akteure Indiens wird in diesem Webinar einen "Ausblick auf den indischen Solarenergiemarkt" präsentieren, bei der es um die Chancen und die Erkundung Indiens als Investitionsstandort geht.
Über das KVP-Projekt zwischen NSEFI und BSW-Solar
Um diese Marktentwicklung zu unterstützen, zielt das KVP-Projekt (Kammer- und Verbandspartnerschaften) zwischen der National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) und dem Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft (BSW-Solar) darauf ab, Indien bei der Beschleunigung der Energiewende zu helfen. Vorgesehen sind Aktivitäten wie die Verbesserung, Anpassung und Diversifizierung der Dienstleistungen der NSEFI sowie der Austausch und die Zusammenarbeit der beiden Verbände.
Das Projekt wird durch die sequa im Rahmen einer Berufsbildungspartnerschaft/Kammer- und Verbandspartnerschaft des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) unterstützt.
Subrahmanyam Pulipaka, Chief Executive Officer, NSEFI
Subrahmanyam Pulipaka is the youngest chief executive officer of National Solar Energy Federation of India. National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) is an umbrella organisation representing solar energy companies in India that are active along the whole
photovoltaic value chain: project developers, manufacturers, engineering companies, financing institutions and other stakeholders. NSEFI is a platform for various solar energy industry stakeholders with the objective of strengthening the communication and taking a unified stand for greater good of solar energy industry. NSEFI is directed by leaders who have decades of experience leading private organisations as well as policy initiatives.
He is the recipient of BRICS Energy for Thought - Young Scientist award - 2018. Previously he was the co-founder and CEO of Soreva Energy, one of the 10 Energy startups representing India at RISE-2017, Hong Kong. Subrahmanyam is one of the 50 Indian young CEOs shortlisted for Global Entrepreneurship Summit- 2017, Hyderabad chaired by Hon. PM of India Narendra Modi and Ms. Ivanka Trump - advisor to the President of the United States of America.
He is an alumnus of BITS Pilani and is also the founding chairman of India Africa Youth Energy Forum (IAYEF), a platform dedicated to nurture future energy leaders in the Indian subcontinent and African continent. He also started series of Youth Energy Dialogues for carrying forward the youth centric energy revolution dialogues in different cities in India as well as different countries in Africa.
He has been involved in active research on the reliability of solar photovoltaics since last 4 years and was one of the youngest researchers to represent India at many international forums. Apart from this, he has also been actively involved in solar skill development and policy deliberation activities and addressed various intergovernmental sessions in India, China, Russia and Rwanda.
David Wedepohl, Managing Director International Affairs, BSW-Solar
Managing Director International Affairs David Wedepohl is a radio journalist by training who studied and worked on both sides of the Atlantic. He holds a master’s degree in Journalism and Public Affairs which he achieved as a Fulbright scholar. His professional experience included working for the German embassy in Washington, DC as a senior press and public diplomacy officer. He first came in touch with the solar industry while working for an American consulting company before taking up his job as director communications and markets at the German Solar Association, also serving as the organization's spokesperson. He now holds the position of managing director international affairs and is responsible for the association's international activities. Among those are projects in North, West and Southern Africa, Latin America, South-East Asia and the US.
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